Wade case went to court, judicial activism occurred. The question during court was, “Did the Constitution say that a woman has the right to abortion?” Roe’s argument was supported by the 1st, 4th, 9th, and the14th amendment in the Constitution, where she placed new rights of making babies. She interpreted the 1st amendment that abortion laws are based on religious beliefs. She interpreted the 4th amendment that to be secure in their persons. She interpreted the 9th amendment that undefined rights not mentioned in the constitution. And the most important, she interpreted the 14th amendment that no state shall deny life, liberty in the Constitution and got what she wanted in the end. Jane used these amendments to greatly help her out in her case.
The case Roe v. Wade started off as judicial restraint. For the state of Texas denied Jane Roe on an abortion because she was not hurt or unhealthy. They denied her personnel wishes of disposing something that was in her being. Jane Roe thought this was wrong. She was thinking that women should have the right to do what they want with their