All my friends and family are the opposite of how Roger acts, they like to help out and be kind to one another. Roger is definitely a static character because he starts out as a secretive, anti-social boy and later on in the novel is still a secretive and anti-social boy.
Next, Roger is a furtive child because in the beginning of the book he was described that way, he was also observing the group of children around. He might be using this information to his advantage, so he can overcome some of the people, hurting them in an emotional and mental ways. In the novel, it stated that “There was a slight, furtive boy whom no one knew, who kept to himself with an inner intensity of avoidance and secrecy.” (Golding Pg.22) The narrator is telling us that Roger is a troubled child that has deep secrets that no one can know about or he’ll get in a great heap of trouble. Things a ten year wouldn’t ever do, even if he had horrible parents. Roger has a deep dark side, because when they just crash landed on an island they should have been interacting with the