Role of Governance in Health Care Organizations
Jovonia Bellamy
Grand Canyon University (Online)
HCA 545 Organizational Structure, Dynamics, and Effectiveness
September 3, 2013
There are many concerns when developing a team, no matter what the team is especially in health care organizations, the team that should be in place is a team of members qualified to make an impact. Running a health care organization is one that is complex and requires a team. It is important that everyone that is a part of that team knows their role in the governance and effective their roles are. There are many elements/positions to the governance structure, the role how of the boards play a big part in the governance structure. The boards have 3 things that usually they are responsible for when they are trying achieve a good corporate governance. The board is critical because they are at the top and any decisions they make will trickle down and affect all that falls under it. One of the responsibilities is to establish the policies, the policies will define the boards roles, also when the policies are well written they help keep the board disciplined which in turns brings great productivity. The next role is strategic responsibility and management, every board needs this to monitor as well as make decisions about the goals, mission, and vision while ensuring everyone is doing what it takes to make it happen. The last role of the board is to oversee the organization, not necessarily to manage the organization but just oversee it, there are some boards that get the two words mixed up and try to manage instead. The boards are also there to have the responsibility to ensure that there are always improvements and evaluations so that when changes need to come about the tools are handy to make the decisions. The boards success really depend on the decisions they make with some regards to the
References: Arnwine, D. McManis Consulting and Arnwine Associates (2002) “Effective governance the roles and responsibilities of Board Members.” Retrieved September 2, 2013 from the US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health. Bumgardner, L. (2003). Reforming Corporate America “How does the Sarbanes-Oxley Act impact American business?” Graziadio Business Review at Pepperdine University 2003 Volume 6. Issue 1. Retrieved on September 3 2013 from: