This report suggests the pervasive requirement of IT tools in HR processes and E-recruitment in an enterprise can bring increased productivity and cost effectiveness. Basically, the availability of information technology(IT) has not been the problem, but its identification, partition and prioritization by HR mangers to support their HR initiatives. There are three ways in which IT can impact human resource management i.e Operational, Relational and transformational. Application of IT in HR can help human capital to achieve competitive advantage.
E-recruitment(online recruitment)is also a cost effective strategy. It attracts a diversified pool of employees with less expenditure on advertising. Though. the quality of candidates attracted by E-recruitment is either equivalent or less than the other sources of recruitment .Therefore, it is not the most effective source. Through a questionnaire techniques, an analysis of both IT and E-recruitment has been conducted on HR processes of "iENGINEERING" an information engineering company. Results has shown the immense effectiveness of IT in HR and the company stands out as an successful enterprise. Surely, it has reduced the burden of human resource management.
I. INTRODUCTION: A. Role of IT in HRM: Now a days, top leaders fully realize the power of information technology tools can help them reach business targets. The utilization of IT tools in the business helps to define business goals and also optimize the work processes. The contemporary studies constantly confirm contribution of IT tools in Human Resource area i.e to accomplish tasks assigned to HR using IT capabilities.
IT encompasses a wide range of tools hardware (from word-processing programs to expert system),software (from main-frames to microcomputers),network and work stations.The vast majority of firms has made use of HRM to transform HR functions. IT within HR stores and retrieves large amount