Mass media are the channels, such as newspapers, magazines, radio or television use to communicate information to large group of people’s. By regularly convening information to important audiences, from the general public to government, and international decision maker a media plays a major role in shaping public debate. Media organizations are independent of political influence and work as important informative aid to the society.
NGO is the organized groups of individuals which can or cannot be institutionalized. NGO can help to establish the relation between government and the people. NGO’s work as nonprofit and non government organization on more constructive and accurate basis. NGO’s work for welfare of the masses.
The media and non government organizations have an important role to play in the civil society. The media are the among the most important allies to the NGO’s community some way in which the media can be important to the NGO’s include writing articles / Telecast - Broadcast Programs that
• Create and environment of political pressure. • Convey general information, serving as a public education. • Counter popular misconception. • Comment on an issue providing an alternative view point. In these paper more emphasis is given on how media can promote awareness about NGO’s activities and also how NGO’s need media to convey their message to society and government and also to form public opinion about various policies and lastly media and NGO’s can work for betterment of society continuously
Communication is a process to achieve mutual understanding or to have an interaction or exchange of ideas , opinions , facts , information , etc among all human beings or communication is the act of transmitting information , ideas , knowledge from one person