In Fahrenheit 451's future, technology overtakes literature and human interaction, and people rely on their TV for entertainment and daily news. Reading and engaging their minds is found upon, while watching TV or playing a sport is encouraged. In this society wall TVs are the main source of life, it puts the user in a world generated for them and interacts with them. Consequently this requires to not engage their mind with learning, or learn about new problems occurring. In the book the wall TVs become the main source of thinking in a person's day, “will you turn your parlor off?, That's my family.”(Fahrenheit 451, pg. 4) and lose interest in their personal lives. TV's blur world's problems; in the book, a war starts, and most of the society does not care believing it will pass, or didn't know. Evidently the …show more content…
The feed constantly advertises products, and can do most task the user requires. The feed helps use the least amount of thinking as possible, and solves problems instantly. The message in this book, is to let technology take away our intellect and control us. In their society, most songs, books, and anything with words become very basic and easy to look at so people don't have to think hard, and will spend money. The feed can be related to our smartphones, our generation uses smartphones for almost everything. It is slowly causing us to talk with more slang and dull down our brains, but it would take a very long time for anything like the feed to