Sociologist’s views:
The role of voluntary organizations in society
This information was sourced from www. Some sociologists such as Blau and Scott(1974) and Etzioni(1975) classified many formal organizations as normative. A normative organization is one that people join in order to peruse goals that they consider personally worthwhile. They obtain personal satisfaction but no monetary reward for being in such an organization. In many instances, the person joins a normative organization for the social prestige that it offers. Many are services and charitable organizations.
Some examples are the (PTA) Parents-Teachers Association, various religious organizations, the (NAACP) National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, etc. Gender, class, race and ethnicity all play roles in who joins what voluntary organization. In all, they are mostly non-profit and they have vital roles in society in different ways.
Challenges that poor people face in society
In comparison to the other beliefs, sociologists take a structural view, seeing poverty as rooted in the structural form and not in the morals and behaviors of individuals. From the sociological point of view, the causes of poverty lie in the economic and social transformations taking place in society itself. Some of the basic challenges poor people face including hunger, medical issues, educational barriers and the places where they dwell may be known for having dangerous diseases, etc. They are undeveloped and lack important essentials to get through the struggles of life. The elderly people who are also poor have it even harder, taking into consideration the difficulty they already endure by being an aged person.
Challenges that the aged face in society
Ageism is an ideology that justifies prejudice or discrimination based on age, particularly with the elderly. It is said that as a person ages, they gradually disengage from their earlier roles.