One should focus not only on the accounting aspect. For a Chartered Accountant, there is a much larger role and many of the decisions in today's time and world are based on sound analysis of the financial viability of any project or any new venture. So, Chartered Accountants have a huge responsibility, an important role to play in achieving these targets. Chartered Accountant is the one who brings more sanity, more strength and more thinking into any new project that an organization embarks on.
A chartered accountant plays a vital role in many areas like business, banking sector, public sector, private sector, eradicating corruption and many others.
The role of Chartered Accountants in eradicating corruption: 1. Chartered accountants play an essential role in society, providing reliable and transparent information, both in the public sector and in the private one. 2. This profession has a significant role to play in anti-corruption 3. The role of Chartered Accountants (CAs) has been seen as promoting transparency and fairness . 4. Accountants work in many aspects of business. As public practitioners, accountants are auditors and business advisors in a number of areas. They also hold positions as tax advisors. 5. In addition, accountants serve in key internal positions in organizations in the public and private sector, are internal auditors, and work as educators. 6. CAs are national-level watchdog, but they