‘The purpose of education : The separate roles that Humanities and Commerce degrees play.’
The purpose of education in our day and age differs for each human being. How one utilizes and expands ones knowledge depends on the person. The purpose for learning also varies among individuals, who learn for different reasons. Some people learn so that they may have a greater understanding of their world and environment, while others learn for enjoyment and pleasure. There are also some who educate themselves in order to obtain certain careers which will put them in roles that they believe they can perform best. In the article ‘Definition of Education’, Don Berg says “The proper definition of education is the process of becoming an educated person” (Berg, 2011). Learning is a lifelong process and does not always occur consciously. Education is a privilege, and those fortunate enough to receive one typically start from a young age. At this starting point, education is normally laid out very simply and a basic platform is implemented for subjects such as Mathematics, English and Science. Over consecutive years of schooling, the subject matter is elaborated and expanded on. However, it is only once an average of 12 years has passed that one could move onto specialized studies. In this essay, the nature and purpose of two undergraduate degrees will be discussed as well as the different benefits and outcomes of the courses. The two general degrees to be discussed are Humanities and Commerce.
An individual cannot normally compartmentalize their lives so that their life and career are separate from one another and therefore it is not useful to refer to them as separate entities. In most cases, a career can be life defining as it can consume much time and energy, and therefore can determine the way in which a person lives. A career is also responsible for providing an income which may determine standards of living unless inheritance or wealthy life partners
Bibliography: : 1. Don Berg 2011, ‘Definition of Education’ (online), Teach-kids-attitude-1st. Available at: http://www.teach-kids-attitude-1st.com/definition-of-education.html 2. Ferdinand von Prodzynski 2011 ‘Diary of Life and Strategy inside and outside the university’(online) A university blog. Available at: http://universitydiary.wordpress.com/2010/02/16/stanford-to-review-nature-and-purpose-of-undergraduate-education/ 3. William M. Sullivan, Anne Colby quoted by David Glenn, January 21 2010, ‘Business Curricula Need a Strong Dose of the Liberal Arts, Scholars Say’, the Chronical. Available at: http://chronicle.com/article/Business-Curricula-Need-a/63694/ 4. Michael Anzia, 5 April 2010, ‘What you can do with a humanities degree’, Associated Content. Available at: http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/2851962/what_can_you_do_with_a_humanities_degree_pg2.html?cat=4