1. Understand own role and responsibilities in lifelong learning
1.1 Summarise key aspects of legislation, regulatory requirements and codes of practice relating to own role and responsibilities.
The key aspects of legislation which relates to my own role and responsibilities as a driving instructor teaching learners would be that I hold a valid ADI badge and adhere to the criteria as set out by the DSA to maintain that badge including regular CRB checks. Also that I must undergo regular check tests and to renew my ADI badge every 4 years. The regulatory requirements are that I must have a roadworthy vehicle to carry out driving instruction. As an ADI, I have signed up to the Voluntary code of practice as set out in the DSA ADI 14, Annex A Voluntary code of practice, and abide by these rules.
The regulatory requirements in terms of learner drivers, I must ensure that they hold a valid provisional licence and that they can read a number plate at the required distance.
1.2 Analyse own responsibilities for promoting equality and valuing diversity.
To ensure that I comply with the Equality Act 2006, I need to be proactive in all aspects of equality and diversity, and to make sure my teaching style and resources promote and include all learners in respect of act, disability, gender, race, religion and belief, and sexual orientation. In terms of age, the learner driver would need to be in possession of a valid provisional licence which would show their age. If they were underage, they would not actually be in possession of one, and therefore I would not legally be allowed to take them out on the road. If their provisional licence had expired, e.g. they are over 70, the learner would need to re-apply for a provisional licence. If the learner had a particular disability I would need to establish the extent of the disability and what the limitations were as to what type of vehicle they could drive. By