The play is dragged out over a large text …show more content…
even though it is a very small time period.
This results in lots of details and long stories that could be summed up in just a couple of sentences. By making the story longer and detailed the author helps the reader to stay focused and interested. We can see that throughout the entire book that all of these major events are happening in a matter of hours. One of them is Romeo willing to die or Juliet at first sight. At night after the party, Romeo jumps over the Capulet wall just to talk to and see Juliet. If he gets caught doing this he will be put to death. He’s only known Juliet for like three hours but yet he’s okay with risking his life just to see the girl he thought was beautiful. How many boys would be willing to do this for a girl in today's world? :I Not many. Another perfect example of the super fast story time line is when Romeo marries Juliet. In the book the fraier says “Till Holy Church incorporate two in one.” Which means they are now officially married. This has
happened in less than a 3 days after they met each other. This is very fast because for most people it would take months, years even to decide they want to marry. It only took Romeo and Juliet less than a day. In today's world (in America) we also don’t marry at 14. In 1597 they did not think that it was a problem at all. An example of where things could have been shorter is on page 69 and 71. Romeo basically spends a whole page talking about Juliet and his love for her. Romeo/the author could have easily said half of what he said without making it so long and gotten the message across. The book has a super short time span but in that time span every little detail is packed into it. This leads to the play sounding super exaggerated and slightly repetitive.
It is plausible that a love story of this sort could happen, but, it's unlikely. Romeo goes from loving Rosaline on page 21 to deeply in love with Juliet on page 69. All of this happens in a matter of hours. We saw in multiple places where he was so heartbroken that Rosaline didn't love him but as soon as he saw Juliet he was up and over her. He totally forgot all about Rosaline in a matter of seconds without another thought. He was even able to tell his cousins that she meant nothing to him without even stuttering for a second. Even the fraier questioned the teen's choices. He told Romeo “Therefore love moderately. Long death so. Too Swift arrives as tardy as too slow.” Here he saying if you love too quickly bad things have the possibility of happening. This is him attempting to stop the young, rushed marriage. Not many people knew about it so not many people could stop it. Most likely if more people knew about the marriage more people would have tried to stop them. In today's world it takes people days at least to love each other. It takes even longer for people to be willing to die for one another. It is possible for someone to like another person very much and it is possible for someone to be willing to die for that person but the chances of it being true in such a short time span are very very small. Shakespeare is going out on a limb by saying all of these things that may or may not actually happen in the real world. He exaggerated his story greatly.
Love of the soul at first sight or love of looks at first sight? In other words, was the characters love real love or imagined fake love at first sight. The friar believed that it was the love of looks not the actual love. He says “Which as they kiss consume. The sweetest honey is loathsome in his own the lightness and then taste confounds the appetite.” He's saying that even good things have the possibility to be bad. Romeo thinks he is in love simply because Juliet is pretty. He hasn't known Juliet long enough to truly know her. He doesn’t even know her background or even part of her life story. This means that what Romeo thinks he’s in isn't true love. The nurse also tells us/Juliet throughout the story that she isn't sure Romeo is the right one. She tries to talk Juliet back into Paris multiple times. She feels as though Juliet doesn't know this mysterious man very well either. As an adult she understands much more that Juliet also doesn’t know this man’s background or who he truly is. She knows that you can't be in love with someone at first sight. Eventually she just gives up and does go along with Juliet’s madness. Falling in love with someone takes time. You can't just look at someone and immediately be in love with who they are as a person. Just looking at someone for the first time means that you don't know their personality at all, which means that you can't actually love them. It takes effort, time, and patience to love someone as a person. Looks can be deceiving and can not give you the insight you need to actually love someone. Just because they look nice doesn't mean they are. You can like someone's looks at first sight but there is no way to actually be in love with someone's personality and who they are as a person at first sight.
Falling into a love story such as this is pretty unlikely. It is even more unlikely to love someone at first sight. Shakespeare has allowed us to see the unlikeliness of this true love in 13 and 17 year olds happening because of all his added details. However unlikely the story is, it pulls at your heartstrings. It becomes hard to put down because you become so involved. The story helps you see the beauty and depth of love that love can be. Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare is definitely an amazing play that needs to be and has been read across the world.