I am comparing Romeo and Juliet to the movie Twilight, in both Romeo and Juliet and Twilight they are both stories based on forbidden love. “There ages are different Juliet is 13, Romeo is about 16, Bella is 22 and Edward is 34, though Romeo and Juliet’s age difference is smaller than Edward and Bella’s, because they are so young, it’s still questionable.”in both Romeo and Juliet and Twilight both Juliet and Bella died and came back to life. “ The difference being Bella goes into
the transformation into being a vampire and Juliet was just unconscious” Neither of them actually die but they both appear to be dead to there families. The new moon was much more closely tied to Romeo and Juliet it’s really the theme of the novel. I am comparing Romeo and Juliet to the movie Cinderella. The movie Cinderella alludes to Romeo and Juliet through the idea of love at first sight. “In Cinderella, the stepsisters alludes to the character Tybalt in many ways, such as preventing the main character from reaching their goals.” Tybalt stopped Romeo by using his family’s feud to attempt to kill him. Cinderella’s stepsisters loaded her with work and being abusive to her. In both stories they find love at first sight. “ Romeo and Juliet both found each other at a party. They came from different social groups, Romeo and Juliet came from different families. Prince charming came from a family that treated him well, he knew what wealth felt like. Cinderella was treated poorly and her family was wealthy, but she never knew what it felt like.”
In conclusion in Romeo and Juliet there biggest issue was teen marriage, in Twilight was the teen marriage and being together and in Cinderella was her going to the ball to be with the prince.