“I was never really insane except upon occasions when my heart was touched..We loved with a love that was more than love.” These quotes by Edgar Allan Poe shows us that love can turn some people very idiocy, like what happened in Romeo and Juliet. They were both deeply in love with one another, but couldn’t rid of all the insanity. That madness that was born due to their feuding families, made them their adversaries. Enemies should not be together in love! Thus, due to their families’ abhorred, this lead them to killing themselves, otherwise as known as suicide. People debate on if this unit should be taught to 14-15 year old students. I think that they should teach such an informational topic to them. The following …show more content…
Life is where something can turn out great after seeing how it is like. There are people who want to cooperate with life, then there are the people who want to cause the drama that we have today. Romeo and Juliet wanted to cooperate with life and live together in peace and harmony, but no, there had to be drama no matter the costs. Mercutio was killed by Tybalt, and Tybalt was killed by Romeo, thus making death unavoidable. This is relative towards my life because I have two 8 months old puppies that bicker over such a little thing: their bones. If one puppy has the newer bone, the other one will steal it from her. I try to make things even by letting both of them chew on it, but the other puppy will just instantly yank it back after I think I made things better. This happens every now and then, but it happens. It is inevitable, but as being smart dogs, they will do whatever they must do to cooperate. One of them will find something else to chew on, like my mom’s shoes, or even go up to my family and ask for attention, which we give them on a daily basis. This is a positive example of wanting to live life like it should be. On the other hand, there are the ones that find life to dangerous and sad for them, that they don’t even want to live on the planet at all. These people all combined together make Hannah Baker. She caused the sorrow that she placed upon her by the ignorance known as ‘bullies’ and ‘bystanders.’ She could've just ignored their comments and step up to their heights and told them to bug off and et cetera, but she didn’t. She let the chaos in and it consumed her life. She let the drama in her life, and it lead her to her death. This must be stopped, and a way to doing that is if people teach about it. That is another reason why Romeo and Juliet should be