(The audience never hears the content of the letter Romeo writes to his father towards the end of the play. Write your own version of this letter in modern English.)
My dearest lord and father, loving mother, and family,
O, pardon me for bringing ill news, but when thou dost know the cause of the result, thou shalt be glad I have sent thee this note.
From the beginning shall I start this rueful tale of love and woe. My lover, and since three days past, my wife, hath been Juliet, the one and only daughter of Lord Capulet, whom I know thou detests. Ay, but love cannot be controlled! To me, she is life, earth, and heaven itself, and without her, I would to my grave, to accompany her in her eternal sleep.
After learning my angel’s eyes have closed forever through grief of our parting, the only decision left for me to make is to stay with her forever. Whether we thrive in heaven, or even burn in hell, I care not; I care only for Juliet. To her grave I go, and together we shall lie in the sleep of the dead.
War of our families has led to both our deaths. Love cannot be forced or withdrawn; forbidden love even more so. Fight no more, father; let my death be the sacrifice made for peace. O, I pray that with the death of Juliet and I, love may spring forth, and consume both our families in reconciliation. May peace be with you.