
Room-Temp Fish Experiment

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Room-Temp Fish Experiment
Ice Water Fish Vs. Room Temp Fish

INTRODUCTION Fish, being an aquatic animal, has a respiratory system that is different from animals that live on land. It is capable of breathing underwater, without coming up for oxygen. Fish are able to breathe underwater due to a breathing organ known as gills; which is made up of thin feathery sheets of tissue membrane containing many blood vessels through which oxygen passes allowing fish to breathe (Edmonson 2006). Fish breathe by the process of water in its surroundings entering its mouth. Water enters its mouth by a very effective pumping system that involves the mouth and outer flexible bony flap that cover the gills called the operculum. When temperature changes, a fish breathing rate may
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At temperatures below 15°C the gill lamellae of goldfish are largely covered by an interlamaller cell mass which decreases the functional surface area of the gill. The presence of the ILCM in goldfish acclimated to cold water conceivable could lead to a covering of the neuroepithelial cells (Tzaneva, Perry 2010). The respiration rate can be determined by how many times the mouth opens and closes. The main purpose of this experiment was to test the breathing rates of a goldfish in room temperature water, and the breathing rates of a goldfish in ice water. Does temperature affect the goldfish’s breathing rate? The independent variable in the experiment was the thing we manipulated most, which was the temperature, and the dependent variable was the breathing rate because it changed due to the temperature. The null hypothesis is the temperature does not affect the breathing rate. The alternative …show more content…
Every group had a decrease in the variables respiration rate. The average of all five trials was a continuous decrease. Fish being a cold-blooded animal take on the temperature of their surroundings and use less energy than that of warm blooded animals which convert the food that they eat into energy to adjust their body temperature (Edmonson 2006). When the fish respiration rate slowed down it wasn’t because it was dying out, it was because it’s a cold blooded creature and it can adjust to any temperature. The null hypothesis was rejected, because the temperature did affect the breathing rate. The alternative hypothesis was

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