Mrs. McDermott
English 101-102
4 March 2014
Roosevelt Squared When comparing Franklin Delano Roosevelt to Theodore Roosevelt, some mistake them for close relations, due to the last name. However, these two men, who strived to be the best that they could be, are actually fifth cousins who share little heritage. Both of these men, though unbeknownst to them, would live very similar lives, and even both run the most powerful country in the world. So much is comparable when speaking of these men, and yet, so much is different. These men have very distinct things about them that set them apart. Their home lives, what they contributed to their country, and even what they did while president are all things that can be analyzed …show more content…
and compared. Both FDR (Franklin) and Teddy (Theodore) lived a life of public service. They both served as the Assistant Secretary of the U.S. Navy, Teddy served from 1897 until 1898, and FDR served between the years of 1913 and 1920. Another act of public service that these these men performed, was when they were Governors of New York. Teddy served as the Governor for one year (1899-1900) and Franklin for four (1929-1933). On the contrary, these men did have different lives and pursued many different things in their lifetimes. Franklin did perform a public service that Theodore never ended up doing, which was being elected as a State Senator of New York. Theodore on the other hand, did something Franklin never managed to do, when he became the New York City Police Commissioner. Another accomplishment that Teddy fulfilled and FDR didn’t was becoming a State Assemblyman. Teddy and FDR accomplished many things in life although they weren’t always the same thing or of the same interest. These men’s personal lives were also identical. They both were fortunate enough to be birthed into wealthy families. Their education came from the same college as well, Harvard University. Like-wise both of these gentlemen attended Colombia Law School after their time at Harvard. Ironically enough both men also dropped out of Colombia Law School to pursue many other options presented to them. FDR and Teddy may seem to have a lot in common when it comes to their personal lives, but a lot of it is different as well.
Theodore Roosevelt had asthma, and was very sickly, during his upbringing. Teddy had great fortune later in life though because he would grow to be very healthy. Franklin was the exact opposite, he was very healthy as a child, and would come into contact with polio later in life. They also were active in practicing different religions, Teddy the Dutch Reformed religion, and Franklin was an Episcopalian. Theodore married twice, once after his first wife’s death, Franklin only married once but was said to be very unfaithful to his wife. Presidents Theodore (26th) and Franklin (32nd) both served as president for more than one term. Unfortunately for both men, they served during times of conflict, Theodore the Russo-Japanese War, and Franklin who, “coordinated the Allied Nations effort against Nazi Germany, and Japan,” during WWII. Both presidents would also be shot at during their time as president, although lucky for them, neither of them died from the incidents. These presidents did many things that make them so great and so comparable, but there are things that individualize their …show more content…
presidency. One of the biggest differences in the two presidents was the parties that they ran with. Franklin was raised to be a Democrat, but Teddy ran for presidency under the Republican Party. How long they served is also interesting, Teddy served for seven and a half years, whereas Franklin served for approximately twelve years, and was the only president to do so. This was only because the twenty-second amendment had not yet been passed during his time of presidency. The two presidents also passed many different things; Theodore was in charge of the Square Deal, the finishing of the Panama Canal, and the Great White Fleet, to name a few. Franklin passed many things too, the biggest being the, “New Deal”. These men were interested in different aspects of their country during their presidency, but both were very successful in their presidential career. After taking everything into consideration, I believe the more successful president of his time was Franklin Delano Roosevelt.
He was faced with not only the Great Depression but also, World War II. He led America through its greatest domestic crises, not to mention one of its greatest foreign crises. Thanks to his “New Deal,” he was able to bring about the beginnings of a national recovery. He also was able to bring the United States, and our allies, to victory over the fascist governments of Germany, Italy, and Japan. This was a major altering of America’s relationship to the rest of the world. It gave us a new sense of prominence internationally. He also proved to be a fighter when polio struck him, paralyzing him. He was weakened by polio but was able to overcome it enough to one day, not only move, but walk again. This man is a hero of the United States and deserves to be recognized as
one. In conclusion, Theodore Roosevelt and Franklin Roosevelt are very similar in how they lived their lives. They were not the same person however, and did differ in quite a few matters. They were both great presidents and did America a great service by providing themselves as our leaders. They overcame many personal challenges in life, and were made a better person for it. They lead our country through foreign and domestic affairs, as well as they could. Both presidents are worth acknowledgement and deserve every ounce of American gratitude.
Works Cited
Morris, Edmund. The Rise of Theodore Roosevelt. New York, NY: Random House Group, 2001. Print.
Black, Conrad. Franklin Delano Roosevelt: Champion of Freedom. New York, NY: Public Affairs; 1ST Edition, 2003. Print.