Rosa Parks Boycotting To The Jim Crow Law
Almost 100 years after the slaves were freed, they still didn’t have the same rights as white people. Which came to the “Jim Crow Law” which what that was is it would separate blacks and whites for example, bathrooms, schools, and transportation like trains and buses. Then they took it to the supreme court and they called it the separate but equal law even though they really weren’t equal. The whites had nicer schools, nicer bathrooms, nicer and cleaner water fountains, and if they needed a spot on the bus and there was a black person there then they would have to give up their seats. Rosa Parks boycotted against that which got her sent to jail. So many others also started boycotting, instead of taking the bus they would walk. There are many
other Civil Rights activists that risked their lives or even died because they worked to give all people equal rights. Like Martin Luther King Jr, Rosa Parks, Malcolm X, Andrew Goodman, Nelson Mandela,and Gandhi.