
Rosa Parks: The First Lady Of Civil Rights

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Rosa Parks: The First Lady Of Civil Rights
“People always say that I didn’t give up my seat because I was tired,” wrote Parks in her autobiography, “but that isn’t true. I was not tired physically… No, the only tired I was, was tired of giving in.” Rosa Parks was born February 4, 1913 and died October 24, 2005, She will always be remembered. United States Congress called Rosa the “first lady of civil rights”.Rosa was an excellent leader. She was a very important leader for both men and women. What inspired her was that she knew she could make a change no matter who told her she couldn’t. Rosa Parks was an important leader and left a legacy because she stood up for her rights, she believed she could make a change, and she helped Martin Luther King create this plan for equality.
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She was a big participant in the NAACP. The only woman there, and took on the position of volunteer secretary to the president of the Montgomery chapter. First of all, Parks became a member of the NAACP in 1943, the only woman there, and took on the position of volunteer secretary to the president of the Montgomery chapter. She held this position until 1957.” This proves that Rosa had been reasoning with people to protest. Furthermore, Rosa was participating in a huge part for the protest to help stop segregation. She had held a position in the NAACP, took on the position of volunteer secretary to the president of the Montgomery chapter. She held this position until 1957. Another example, Rosa was Martin’s assistant sort of. When she got arrested Martin Luther King called a meeting at his church to try to do something about her arrest. He thought they could do something about it. That is when he decided to boycott. After Rosa got bailed out she participated in it. It is clear that when Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King were a good team they worked with each other even though they were apart. She was a leader with the help of MLK. Also, I believe that without Parks being out in jail there would be no …show more content…

She had been fighting for equal rights for a long time. That is one of the fights for equality is not giving a seat to the white man on the bus. Another time she faced the same bus driver twelve years before this with James Fred Blake. This is a way of Rosa using her abilities to fight for equality. “Parks (than 30 years old) boarded a Montgomery bus through the front door — at the time something forbidden for an African-American. The bus driver insisted that Parks, who had already paid, exit the bus and re-enter through the rear door. As Parks recounted, when she did not move quickly enough, the driver grabbed her sleeve as if to push her off the bus.” Also, she thought that the colored didn’t deserve to have to pay fair, get off the bus, then get back on through the back doors. So she had refused quite a few time then she had formed to protest with MLK Jr.Finally, Rosa Parks had been encountering with this bus driver when she was close to being put in jail and when she got put in jail. After she got put in to jail it was because of this bus driver, she was just fighting for her rights. All americans have the right to protest for what they believe in. they also have the freedom of speech. It is clear that I think without her encountering with this bus driver she would have never gone to jail. Also there wouldn’t be a boycott, and equal rights with the colored wouldn’t be how they are

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