Theoharis proves Rosa Parks was a long-life activist using her childhood, her involvement with the NAACP and emotional appeal. Theoharis …show more content…
Theoharis illustrates how Park wanted to leave an impact on the driver by asking an intriguing question. The text states that “ Parks questioned the arresting officers, ‘Why do you push us around?’”(3). Normally, when a person is getting arrested, they are frightened but that was not the case for Rosa. She questioned the officers what was his intention, but he had no reply. Her, questioning the “superior race” when you’re not supposed to, showed she was not a shy person. Theoharis also proves that Parks stood against white supremacy by saying things that are usually not talked about. She said, “ I talked and talked of everything I know about the white man’s inhumane treatment of Negroes.”(1). Rosa was not one to be quiet about injustice. She felt the necessity to speak her mind. She believed that if she didn't speak up, no one will because they said they were for unity but took no action. She also believed it would affect the younger generation if she didn't speak up. Theoharis lastly proves that Rosa parks used powerful language to express her emotions about not being able to voice her opinions. She stated, “ I would rather be lynched than say I don't like it.”(2). Parks also believed it was better off to be killed than to not have the ability to speak up. She had the mindset where she was willing to take any sacrifice, in order to show she was adamant. She had no intention of fitting in with the standards of an African American. It contributes to the fact that she was not a quiet symbol. Theoharis wanted to convey that even though the freedom of speech of an African American is not guaranteed, Rosa Parks spoke out because she felt the need to speak