
The Importance Of Bias In Rosa Parks

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Being Bias, We All Do It. Many writers like to put time and thought into their work. Putting in all their own thoughts can sometimes not be a good thing. While I was reading several articles about Rosa Parks I have noticed that in every article that I read have some sort of bias in them. Throughout the articles, the authors show several points of bias within their background, point of view, and purpose. The articles I have chosen to read are about Rosa Parks, who was known by many people throughout the United States for her quiet act of defiance that set off a social revolution. Many people today remember Rosa Parks as the “Mother of the Civil Rights Movement”. In December 1955, 42-year-old Rosa Parks got onto a bus that was full of people. When she and four other African American passengers were told to get out of their seats and give them to oncoming white passengers, Rosa refused. The bus driver then had no other choice, but to call the police. At that point, Rosa Parks would be arrested for violating the laws of segregation, known as “Jim Crow laws.” This would later anger the local members of the NAACP (National …show more content…

The Henry Ford is not only just a website, but also it has many history attractions and much more. This article written by the author, who was not mentioned, seemed to be written in the third person format. It also clear that the author seems to believe that what the white Americans did at that time was right. At the beginning of the article, you can tell that the author is siding with the white Americans. It becomes clear when he always refers to the African Americans as black citizens or when he tries to make it seem as if Rosa Parks already planned this incident. The author gave no supporting evidence that this bus incident and boycott were all some sort of plan. It was clear he sided with the white Americans at this time and during this incident. The

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