Silverman , S. (2011, Jan 5). How did the game of basketball change. Retrieved from
Steve Silverman has been covering sports since 1980. Silverman is an award-winning writer. He reveals a few simple changes of the game of basketball from the year 1891 to present day. He tells us the difference in the early years, shot clock rules, the pace of the game and three- point shooting. He provides information to inform students and other audiences about the history of the game and a few key facts on how it changed.
Thackeray, T. (2011, May 26). How have basketball uniforms changed over the years?. Retrieved from
Tara Thackeray began writing in 2008 for a national law review website. She received a Bachelor’s of Arts in communication from Arizona State University. She writes about how the uniforms of men and women have changed from the past to the present. She also writes about what accessories have changed. The audiences she informs are students and athletes on how the dress and look of basketball has changed.
Logan, C. (2011, May 26). The effects of the game of basketball on America. Retrieved from
Catalina Logan is a fitness and outdoors enthusiast. She has a Bachelor of Arts in American studies from Yale University. She is an editor, a professional writer, and long distance runner. She writes about how race, culture, products, and participation have changed over the years. The audiences she informs are students, athletes, and interested fans describing how race and culture as affect America basketball.
Porter, L. (2011, June 14). How has the equipment of basketball changed over the years?. Retrieved from
Bibliography: Silverman , S. (2011, Jan 5). How did the game of basketball change. Retrieved from Steve Silverman has been covering sports since 1980 Logan, C. (2011, May 26). The effects of the game of basketball on America. Retrieved from Catalina Logan is a fitness and outdoors enthusiast Porter, L. (2011, June 14). How has the equipment of basketball changed over the years?. Retrieved from Lisa Porter is a professional writer since 2009 Boxall, J. (2010, Dec. 28). The history of international basketball. Retrieved from Jane Boxall has a Doctor of Musical Arts from Illinois University Hinkle, L. (2011, May 26). How has the history of women’s basketball changed?. Retrieved from Linda Hinkle is a professional writer for more than four years