Have you ever seen a tornado or known someone who has? Tornadoes can be devastating and can occur anywhere at anytime so you may be affected by one or know someone who will. I am fascinated by tornadoes and have done research in the last couple days preparing for this speech.…
Tornado forecasting can date back to 1948 where the first forecast was made by Capt. Robert C. Miller and Maj. Ernest J. Fawbush (Coleman, 567). This forecast was significant because of the Tinker Air Force Base tornadoes. Over a 5-day period in March of 1948, two tornadoes hit the base directly. They were the most destructive tornadoes to hit Oklahoma at that time. These two officers were able to pick up on the meteorological patterns and generate a forecast using a prognostic chart and weather stations. Specifically, they looked at the surface analysis which showed a low-pressure system approaching from the southwest. This forecast gave the base enough time to evacuate to safety and the second tornado did not cause as much damage. Back then…
Hurricanes can cause a lot of damage. My hurricane is Hurricane Andrew of 1992. Hurricanes can pop up at any time. They can cause massive amounts of damage.…
Natural Disasters have powerful forces , they affect the environment and the people because they destroy the areas where they hit .“The Great Galveston Hurricane of 1900 was the deadliest hurricane to ever hit the United States and caused between 8000 and 12000 deaths. The storm reached the Texas coast south of Galveston on September 8 as a Category 4 hurricane with a storm surge of 8 to 15 feet.” All Natural Disasters can be formed in different ways but one of the examples are that hurricanes can be formed by the warm and moist air…
A hurricane is a type of tropical storm that forms in the southern Atlantic Ocean, Caribbean Sea, Gulf of Mexico, and in the eastern Pacific Ocean. Hurricanes can cause significant damage to coastal areas and even several hundred miles inland, depending on the strength of the storm. Hurricanes can cause winds above 150 miles per hour and are categorized 1-5, depending on the strength of the winds, with 1 being the calmest and 5 being the harshest. But hurricanes can also cause damage from heavy rainfall, flooding and flying debris. Between 1970 and 1999, more people lost their lives from hurricanes than from any other weather hazard. (www.ready.gov/hurricanes)…
The death toll is much higher with hurricanes than it is tornadoes. Although there are more tornadoes than hurricanes, (about 800 tornadoes per year, according to “Get Inside the Tornado”) hurricanes are more expensive (they can cause up to 150,000,000,000 dollars according to “21st Century Super Disasters,” and more deadly. Hurricanes have winds and flooding that last for a long time, compared to tornadoes who only have winds and last for a short time, in places with a lot of open fields and…
It's easy to find similarities between the weather phenomenon, we call a hurricane and the one we call a tornado. Both cause most of their damage through high winds and rain, and the arrival of both can cause evacuations, emergency warnings and general chaos. But there are numerous differences between the two weather systems, from the elements that form them to the type of devastation they leave behind.…
Hurricanes are powerful and dangerous storms that involve great rain and win. When a tropical storm has a wind speed greater than 75 miles per hour, it is considered a hurricane. The United States of America has dealt with many hurricanes that have cost a substantial amount of damage. However there is one hurricane that occurred in 2005 that stands out among the others, Hurricane Katrina. Hurricane Katrina was the deadliest and most destructive of the Atlantic Hurricanes during the hurricane season. Hurricane Katrina had a great economic and environmental impact on the United States which will take time to completely recover from.…
A hurricane is a spinning storm that starts to form in the ocean. Hurricanes are most common on the east side of the United States, well if you DON’T know where east is it’s the State of Florida is at, let me guess you don’t where is Florida is… if you don’t well just check the map of the U.S. Anywho hurricanes can be up to about 600 miles wide and they have very strong spiraling winds that can reach up to 75-200 mph or more! A small hurricane can last for a few hours but a BIG hurricane lasts for days, very long days or it can last for a very long week.…
They both kill many people. In 2005, Hurricane Katrina passed over the United States killing about 1,833 people but in 1925, the Tri-State tornado which passed through Missouri, Indiana and Illinois killed 695 people. What a tragedy! You may not know this, but tornadoes cause more deaths per year. While hurricanes kill about 15 people per year, tornadoes kill 65 people per year. This is probably because you get a lot more warning when and where a hurricane hits but a tornado can happen without warning. This leaves people unprepared for tornadoes when you have weeks to prepare for a hurricane.…
There are a ton of differences between tornadoes and hurricanes. One is that tornadoes form on land and hurricanes develop over warm, tropical waters. A tornado only lasts a few minutes while a hurricane can last up to ten days. Since the hurricane is much larger than a tornado, a hurricane can release tornadoes and a hurricane gets a name after it is down destroying a place because it makes it easier to identify it. The "eye" of a hurricane can be up to 20 miles long and the tornades "eye" can only be a few feet in diameter. Tornadoes occur from April to June and hurricane occur from June to November. A tornado travels from south west to north east and a hurricane travels from east to west. Tornadoes have been spotted in every continent except Antarctica.…
lives? A hurricane is a natural disaster. Hurricane is a tropical phenomenon caused by the…
With Joplin Missouri having been torn apart to a total of 75% damages and hurricane Katrina devastating 80% of New Orleans it is clear that Katrina was just a little more powerful. Hurricane Katrina caused roughly $79 billion dollars more in damages. Both of these storms are very devastating and dangerous but some natural disasters are more dangerous than others. When it comes down to it water does more damage than that of the wind, however both of these are still very damaging to the nature and human made structures. In my opinion I think tornadoes are more dangerous than that of a…
I believe in order to truly understand the danger of tornados; one should know the importance of the current explanations of how and why tornados are formed. Tornados are often started by a storm called, supercell storms. Supercell storms are normally large and severe that will develop in highly unstable environments such as cool, dry air lies above warm, moist air. These types of storms in America usually occur during the spring time, because of the warm moist air that moves from the Gulf of Mexico to the north and eventually meets cooler, dry air.…
Hurricanes are giant sea storms that rotate in a giant circle. It carries winds blowing at speeds of at least 74 miles per hour. Hurricanes form in tropical regions. They form there because they need warm water of at least 80º Fahrenheit, high humidity with moist air, light winds, and very warm surface temperatures. Some of the strongest hurricanes carry winds having speed of at least 200 miles. When these strong winds reach the shores it destroy houses, uproot trees, and hurl almost anything into the air as if it’s a bullet.…