The first proposal of a round earth is said to be around five hundred B.C. by Pythagoras, a Greek philosopher and scientist. He figured out that the moon was round from observing its orbital cycle …show more content…
the theory was proved by the great Aristotle, claiming that the stars held the solution to the questions. He points that the earth is comparatively smaller than the stars, and since when standing and looking at the stars they do not noticeably move, the earth must be at rest. In his research he includes that during eclipses there is a curved outline, which is only possible with a round earth. He adds in that not everyone sees the same stars at night, which would be possible if the earth was flat. To further prove his argument, he brings up the point that all substances move toward the center of the earth. This concludes that if all things drag to the center, then the shape of the product is a sphere.
The philosophers that are in the new world of science can navigate their way through it and piece together that the earth we live on is round. Now why can’t people of this day in age take a lesson from the people of five hundred B.C.? The most popular ideas “flat earthers” believe is that photos of the earth from space are fake, the bible tells the details of an earth that is flat, and the government is hiding the …show more content…
The shadow of something is always greater than or equal to the object in front of the light. We can all agree to this, so why is it that the moon’s shadow will be much smaller than the moon itself? This is what the flat earth believers think, they tell you that the way the solar eclipse doesn’t work with how the moon sun, and earth are positioned in space. The shadow is scientifically impossible, the shadow can not be smaller than the moon itself, this is what the conspiracy arguers think at least. There is data and research that prove them differently. The penumbra shadow is the lighter of the two shadows and it is bigger than the moon. The smaller and darker part of the shadow is called the umbra, this is the part that is smaller than the moon. The flat earthers didn’t mention the fact that the shadow is bigger than the moon, they only mention that the smallest part of the shadow is smaller that the object at hand, the moon. The path of totality is another large point prover for the believers. If the moon rises in the east and sets in the west, then how can the shadow be moving west to east? This is a very hard fact to disprove, but the answers are out there. If you are situated high above the north pole then the direction of the moon would appear to be going clockwise. This is the way that the moon is moving in orbit, dragging its shadow behind it. If the conspiracy theory