Rubric for Written Report
Student _______________________ Total Marks /100
|Criteria |Level 1 |Level 2 |Level 3 |Level 4 | |
|Knowledge/Understanding |Information is gathered and |Information is gathered and |Information is gathered and |Information is gathered and | |
|Research of: |summarized with a limited |summarized with some degree of |summarized with a considerable degree|summarized with a thorough | |
|Education, |degree of effectiveness. |effectiveness. |of effectiveness. |degree of effectiveness. |/30 |
|Duties, | | | | | |
|Financial reward, | | | | | |
|Working conditions & employers, | | | | | |
|Future outlook. | | | | | |
|Thinking/Inquiry |Reflection from the course |Reflection from the course
Bibliography: with min. of 2 resources, | |Student’s writing had some |Student’s writing had limited | |/20 | |Accurate spelling and grammar. |Student’s writing had many |spelling errors and/or grammatical|spelling errors and/or grammatical |Student’s writing was free of | | | |spelling errors and/or |errors. |errors. |spelling errors and/or | | | |grammatical errors. | | |grammatical errors. | | |Comments: | | | | | | |