You know that one person that bumps into you but doesn’t have the common courtesy to say excuse me or I’m sorry they just keep walking like it never happened, and wonder why someone is stepping to them rudely. Or that moment you are on the freeway and lanes are merging and it seems like the driver in the next lane seems to have speed up as you are trying to fit into the merge resulting in you having to slow down even more, All though it is not getting that person any faster to their destination. Etiquette is not just about what fork to use other words it’s all about self-awareness and treating others with respect. It’s sad and unfortunate that a lot civility has gone with the wind. Rudeness is on the rise, but it has some things to do with the economy and parenting.
From the day we are born we are bonded with that special someone you know our mother and father. They teach us the way of life things we should and should not do and always treat everyone with respect. As toddlers our minds are little sponges waiting to absorb any and everything our minds are exposed to. So from time to time we may take in the bad stuff and test it out on people, like talking to people in a rude way or demanding things in a way a child shouldn’t basically the child is mimicking the adult. That’s when the parents step in and mold there child into a well-mannered being and properly tell them how to speak to adults. Teaching the common mannerism like saying please, thank you, and excuse me makes a big difference in someone’s perception of you also that tells that person that their parents have taught them well. There is a lot more mannerism to be taught to a child but we learn these
etiquettes from our family. Some families don’t share the same morals and live hating others and then that ignorance gets carried on to generation to generation building the cycle of rudeness.
It seems as time progresses on and the world continues with struggles in the