Ruminant fluid lab
Ruminant fluid lab
Lab report Ruminant fluid
Zoo Physiology
Zoo phy Zoo physiologysiology
Lab report Ruminant fluid
Tanya Marlene Tysnes
Zoo Physiology
Zoo phy Zoo physiologysiology
Ruminants - Grass-eating (herbivorous) mammals with a paunch with micro-organisms that digest cellulose and other polysaccharides from plant sources. Most animals lack the enzyme, that is necessary to digest cellulose from plants and therefore dependent on microorganisms. The temperature of the rumen is approx. 39 degrees, the pH is approx. 6.5 and is anaerobic conditions. The food is present in the rumen for 9 to 12 hours and during this period bacteria and protozoa hydrolyze cellulose to the disaccharide cellobiose and free glucose molecules. Glucose is fermented by bacteria to volatile fatty acids (acetate, butyric acid) is taken up by the bloodstream of the animal and this is the main energy source, and also provides carbon dioxide and methane. Microorganisms also produce vitamins and amino acids that the animal need. If ruminants suddenly gets a lot of grain in the diet (that are high) will lactic acid bacteria produce large amounts of lactic acid (lactate) that acidify the rumen and kill the normal bacteria, a condition called acidosis.
By examination the rumen content, we can get an accurate digestion in the rumen, and the samples of the rumen content must be evaluated within 1-2 hours after collection.
Materials and methods
In this lab we are going to do following work. First a sensory examination where we examine the color, consistency, odour and admixture of a sample with rumen content, which was kept in a thermos flask for examination.
Then we filtered the sample of the rumen content through gauze prior to the examination. We used the filtered sample to determine the pH by using a diagnostic strip, and to determine of amylolytic activity by place 3
References: Lab reports hand out in Bi 105 fZoo physiology http://no.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dr%C3%B8vtyggere https://www.google.no/search?q=Fuchs-Rosenthal+counting+chamber&hl=en&prmd=imvns&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=pwmRUKKVFanh4QT87YHwCw&ved=0CAcQ_AUoAQ&biw=1525&bih=723