I think eliminating sweatshop in the near future cannot be achieved. I do believe there will be more restriction set for sweatshops working conditions. Unfortunately, I do not think sweatshops can ever be completely eliminated. I think it will always be a cycle where corporations will take action on improving working standards in sweatshop but they will be never completely gone. A good example that demonstrates this cycle is when the spread of sweatshops were reversed in the U.S. in 1911. The Triangle Shirtwaist Company fire was the first incident to bring awareness of sweatshop conditions, which dramatically reduced the number of sweatshops due to unions organizing improved wages and conditions. Sweatshops were still never completely eliminated, even with all the improvements made. Many companies found loopholes and worked on the edges of the industry. Meaning they worked in very small sweatshops, which were hard to locate and easier to avoid union organizers. By 1980’s sweatshops were back in large numbers. Then again in 1990 another incident brought the attention of dreadful sweatshop work conditions. Almost 80 years later, sweatshops were still using unfair work condition. That incident is also just in the U.S. For worldwide sweatshops, I believe it will be too hard to regulate in every single country. I think many developing countries still need those job opportunities and agree to work in those certain conditions. It will most likely be a long time before they are ever completely eliminated.
What factors should company consider when planning to open a new manufacturing plant in China or India?
A few factors a company should consider to when planning to open a new manufacturing plant, specifically in China and India is that they are developing countries and a lot of their labor laws