meadows and shrub lands, and the abundant, vibrant life they support, cannot survive, and our crops require laborious, costly pollination by hand” (Schlossberg and Schwartz 2017). Bumblebees are wonderful pollinators due to the fact that they prefer native flowers and will pollinate almost anything. They also use a technique known as “buzz pollination,” where they grab the pollen-producing part of the flower and then vibrate their wings, which shakes the pollen loose, and has a huge impact on plants (Schlossberg and Schwartz 2017). This article did a great job supporting why this issue has come about and the importance of solving it.
I was quite shocked to hear how much the bumblebee populations have decreased overtime. I was also unaware of how much of an impact these insects have on us, and the importance of protecting them. Bumblebees are absolutely fundamental to our existence, as they are responsible for much of our food supply, because of their ability to pollinate. However, making the public more aware of this issue is essential to helping save these bees. Laws need to be passed soon that bans the use of certain pesticides that are harming these bees. Research should also be conducted to see what diseases may be affecting the bee population and ways to combat this issue. Due to habitat loss being a big factor that is affecting these bees, artificial bee habitats should be created across the country to see if they help to increase the populations. Although this issue will take years to resolve, finding the best methods to helping to increase these bumblebee populations is crucial while we still have