something that should be valued and not belittled since it is what makes people powerful or powerless depending on how people see their body. People are meant to love their body, but so many tend to put them down for it and thankfully dance therapy helps people realize that it is something people should cherish.
It is also stated in the same article that “Through dance, they began to see that their body is theirs, that it is a creative tool that nobody can ruin or pollute” (“There’s a Force That Can Heal Trauma”). It helps people to understand that nothing can ruin the image that they created for their body once they release all of their feelings out through their body. To be able to dance and remove all of the feeling that made them to believe their body was anything but a powerful source. Dance therapy also helps with heart health since it gets the heart rate up. One study showed that people who have heart problems showed improvement in heart and blood vessel function (Wellness). Dance therapy helps in many ways more than just mentally and physically due to all the long lasting benefits such as boosting self-esteem, reduces depression, body image, and coping