The world we live in is not an assembly line world, where you pass a test and everyone calls you smart. It requires more involvement and other necessary skills that are not taught in the education system today. Many students are stronger with non traditional areas of intelligence that the SAT exam will never allow them to display. They have nowhere to showcase these talents and strength through this test classification of readiness for college, so they may miss out on the opportunity to qualify for competitive schools not being able to gain a competitive enough score on the SAT. It is ironic that plenty of studies have shown that everyone learns differently, yet we are all still being pressed to learn one way and achieve academically all in the same way until the point of college. The world is functioning today because everyone has a mind of their own and their own contributions to offer to it. We all are innovative and it is unfortunate that many people think that a college education is unattainable because they are discouraged that they did not gain a certain score on a SAT exam. Every individual has their own outlook to offer because we all come from different walks in life, giving us different opinions that can be built upon and makes for a thriving learning environment. This individualism makes for great diversity in learning environments, and allows for creativity to foster. It should not be suppressed, as it is by the current educational system. Many of the world’s most innovative people that changed society as we know it, such as Einstein and Bill Gates, were seen as failures according to the educational system we have in place. They did not let the limitations of an educational system constrict their capacities to contribute to society. We should not be judged
The world we live in is not an assembly line world, where you pass a test and everyone calls you smart. It requires more involvement and other necessary skills that are not taught in the education system today. Many students are stronger with non traditional areas of intelligence that the SAT exam will never allow them to display. They have nowhere to showcase these talents and strength through this test classification of readiness for college, so they may miss out on the opportunity to qualify for competitive schools not being able to gain a competitive enough score on the SAT. It is ironic that plenty of studies have shown that everyone learns differently, yet we are all still being pressed to learn one way and achieve academically all in the same way until the point of college. The world is functioning today because everyone has a mind of their own and their own contributions to offer to it. We all are innovative and it is unfortunate that many people think that a college education is unattainable because they are discouraged that they did not gain a certain score on a SAT exam. Every individual has their own outlook to offer because we all come from different walks in life, giving us different opinions that can be built upon and makes for a thriving learning environment. This individualism makes for great diversity in learning environments, and allows for creativity to foster. It should not be suppressed, as it is by the current educational system. Many of the world’s most innovative people that changed society as we know it, such as Einstein and Bill Gates, were seen as failures according to the educational system we have in place. They did not let the limitations of an educational system constrict their capacities to contribute to society. We should not be judged