The Right to Bear Arms is the second amendment of the Bill of Rights. It states that all men have the right to own a gun and the government shall not infringe it.
During the era, when the Constitution was in the process of being ratified, the founding fathers justified this amendment for the following reasons. The founding fathers argued; in order to stop the government from ever gaining too much power, the common people should be arms. This was the immediate response to the inequitable behavior of their former mother country, Great Britain. The founding fathers also argued, as many conservatives still do today, for the natural right of self-defense.
“We hold these truths ... they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness”, the Declaration of Independence reads. With the safety of a gun, men or women protect their rights to life.
Now, in terms of practicality, the United States of America does not need this amendment any more. Not only did the nation develop over the years, but human morals developed. The United States government is secure that there will not be a monarch to take control, and if there is, the checks and balances are so well implemented that the anticipation of such is highly unlikely. The paranoid founding fathers are no longer the government the United States lives under. They live under a safe system of balance, where not one power is stronger than any other.
The safety, and the rights to life is contradictory and doesn’t successfully support the continuation of the Rights to Bear arms. In fact, guns give people more power to commit dangerous crimes, increasing