Arc 160D
Field Visit Sabino Canyon
For the field report I chose to visit Sabino Canyon, and explore the wilderness and my inner adventure. This location is all about getting to experience nature. In fact, some ago I went hiking and as I recall, Sabino Canyon portrayed an amazing view and the smell was nearly breath taking. It was an unforgettable hike and the incredible view is a plus. This experience not only I remember the first time I went, it was all about hiking and to getting good morning exercise, but this time it was all about the beauty of mother nature and all its flora and fauna. What I expect to experience is to be able to get a good and close look to everything that this wonderful set of mountains has to offer. In terms of the relation of sabino canyon and class discussions and readings, I believe that one of the topics that really relate to this is how every living thing is currently adapting to environments. When I was already in the sabino canyon adventure I started to think a lot. While I was walking I realized that it was really hot, we are almost in the middle of February and it is winter but it really doesn’t feel like. I think that there hasn’t been a winter-like weather in two years and some plants need winter in order to make their normal functions. That’s enough said about plants what about the animals that live here in the desert. They should be really confused with these constant climate changes that humans are generating. We are really selfish, knowing that we are wasting to much resources like water which here in the desert there is a limited availability. Another thing I thought about is that we can manage to survive climate change because we have artificial climates inside our homes with air conditioning for the warm summers and heater for the not anymore cold winters; but what about all the animals and plants, how are they going to survive? The only solution that came to mind was evolution, maybe most animal