Introduction.2History of SACCOs in Kenya.3Features of a SACCO PAGEREF _Toc401073792 \h 5Principles the SACCO operates under: PAGEREF _Toc401073793 \h 6Functions of SACCOS PAGEREF _Toc401073794 \h 7Role of SACCOS in Economic growth. PAGEREF _Toc401073795 \h 9Types of SACCOS PAGEREF _Toc401073796 \h 10Sources of finance for a SACCO PAGEREF _Toc401073797 \h 12Regulations of SACCOS In Kenya. PAGEREF _Toc401073798 \h 12Procedure of registering a cooperative society in Kenya. PAGEREF _Toc401073799 \h 13Challenges facing SACCOS in Kenya today. PAGEREF _Toc401073800 \h 14Survival strategies for SACCOS today. PAGEREF _Toc401073801 \h 15MUTUAL FUNDS.
Introduction. PAGEREF _Toc401073802 \h 17Functions of mutual funds PAGEREF _Toc401073803 \h 17Advantages of investing in mutual funds. PAGEREF _Toc401073804 \h 19Types of mutual funds PAGEREF _Toc401073805 \h 21UNIT TRUST.
Introduction. PAGEREF _Toc401073806 \h 25Differences between mutual funds and unit trust. PAGEREF _Toc401073807 \h 26Features of a unit trust PAGEREF _Toc401073808 \h 26Types of unit trust. PAGEREF _Toc401073809 \h 27Benefits of unit trust. PAGEREF _Toc401073810 \h 28General Risks of Investing in Unit Trust Funds PAGEREF _Toc401073818 \h 29Conclusion.32References…………………………………………………………………………………..33SAVINGS AND CREDIT COPERATIVE ORGANISATIONS.
A SACCO refers to a form of cooperative organization that provides financial services to its members. It is a democratic, member driven, self-help cooperative owned, governed and managed by its members. As Harper (2003) notes, SACCOS are business entities that operate on the basis of demand and supply. This means that they are concerned on its members ability to meet the requirements that is the ability to repay loans within the specified period of time.
It is a democratic, unique member driven, self-help co-operative. It is owned, governed and managed by its members who have the same common bond e.g. Working for the same employer,
References: Ongore, V.O. (2001), Managerial Response to Deregulation of the Co-operative sector. Pride, W. and Ferrell, O.C. (Eds). (1998). Marketing, Basic Concepts and Decisions. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company Sciffmann, L. and Kanuk, A. (Eds). (1997). Consumer Behavior. Prentice-Hall Inc. Schoel ,W Sharma, R.D. (2001). Research Methods in Social Science. National Book Organization. Ssyenyondo,V Wong, T.Q. (1999). Marketing Research. ButterWorth Heinemann, Reed Educational Publishing Limited.