3--Scenario: You are a teacher in a Catholic school and your principal has discovered parents of your students who do not take their children to Mass because they themselves “get nothing out of it.” These parents have been invited to hear you explain (gently) what they do not seem to understand about the Mysterion and the Eucharist. The paper should be written in the style you would speak to them, but referenced appropriately. (Should be in first person voice) What is the Mysterion? How does the Eucharist participate in it? How do we? You might find it useful to describe various parts of the Mass which allow your listeners to see the Mysterion at work such as through the principle of lex orandi, lex credendi.
My aim today is not to force you to take yourselves and your children to liturgy, but rather highlight the importance and significance of what actually is happening, or rather I should say, what is provided to you. Christianity is a religion built on faith and reason. Our reason has its limit and when this limit is reached, then faith comes along to fill in the blanks. The liturgy of the mass is a concept difficult to grasp and understand this takes an extra step when we arrive at the consecration of the Eucharist. This, is commonly known in the Catholic Church as the Mysterion, that it is the mystery which we are witnesses to but at the same time blind. However, before I attempt to make you understand what is happening at that point in time, we must first review the liturgy and its significance. The Catechism of the Catholic Church defines mysterion as
"The Greek term mysterion was translated into Latin by two terms: mysterium and sacramentum...sacramentum emphasises the visible sign of the hidden reality of salvation which was indicated by the term mysterium...Christ himself is the mystery of salvation...The saving work of his holy and sanctifying humanity is the sacrament of salvation, which is revealed and
Bibliography: Cathechism of the Catholic Church: Second Edition (AUSTRALIA: St Pauls Publications, 2009) P Paul VI, Pope. Apostolic Letter in the form of Motu Proprio, Solemni Hac Liturgia, English Translation: The Credo of the People of God (30 June, 1968) The New Jerusalem Bible (GREAT BRITAIN: Darton, Longman, Todd Ltd and Doubleday, 1994) The Roman Missal, (LONDON: The Catholic Truth Society, 2008) --------------------------------------------