The Pentecost shows Heaven meeting Earth through the lives of many in a story told by Christians for centuries. The conversion of Paul demonstrates the connection of Heaven and Earth through the vision of one man, who completely turns his life around after an experience with the transcendence. The catacombs of Rome show their journey from Earth to Heaven, from their sarcophagi to the vault of heaven. These examples are just many that connect our world with Heaven. A contemporary example could be in the show Empire, through a character named Andre who is in a very bad place during his life, suffering from bipolar disorder and drugs addiction. Andre is on the verge of suicide from his deeds, when he finds God and prayer in rehab. He turns his life around and is circled around his beliefs. Andre is saved from God and is a walking connection between Heaven and Earth. The tangible connection between Heaven and Earth is how God connects with Earth and how his presence is felt here. These examples show how Heaven connects with Earth and points towards how many other identities and stories do the
The Pentecost shows Heaven meeting Earth through the lives of many in a story told by Christians for centuries. The conversion of Paul demonstrates the connection of Heaven and Earth through the vision of one man, who completely turns his life around after an experience with the transcendence. The catacombs of Rome show their journey from Earth to Heaven, from their sarcophagi to the vault of heaven. These examples are just many that connect our world with Heaven. A contemporary example could be in the show Empire, through a character named Andre who is in a very bad place during his life, suffering from bipolar disorder and drugs addiction. Andre is on the verge of suicide from his deeds, when he finds God and prayer in rehab. He turns his life around and is circled around his beliefs. Andre is saved from God and is a walking connection between Heaven and Earth. The tangible connection between Heaven and Earth is how God connects with Earth and how his presence is felt here. These examples show how Heaven connects with Earth and points towards how many other identities and stories do the