Sacrosanctum concilium, the constitution on the liturgy of the Church, brought about the liturgical reform post-Vatican II. Though it was the reform of the liturgical practices of the church it had much to say about what the Church is, the ecclesiology. Massimo Faggioli says that “the combination of liturgical reform and ecclesiological renewal in the Catholic Church represents the beating heart of Sacrosanctum concilium” (Faggioli 59). The renewal of the liturgy was intrinsically tied to the renewal of the ecclesiology. Sacrosanctum concilium renewed the vision of the church by going back to the Early Church and understanding what the mission of church and liturgy was then. The Church and liturgy of the Church must be sacramental. The ecclesiology of Sacrosanctum concilium is Eucharistic.
The Church as sacrament indicates that it is Christocentric and unitive. Christ is the union of a human and divine nature in one person. In a similar way, Sacrosanctum concilium describes the church as, “both human and divine” (SC 2). The Church is the meeting of humanity, the world, to the divine …show more content…
Namely, we are then called to give this love. This means acting for the common good, recognizing the dignity and value of each human person. Through recognizing that we were created in the image of God requires us to have an obligation to the other. However, this reality of the Church and its people is misunderstood. People see the Church’s teaching as limiting and not realistic. Congar tells us that faith can “illuminate and motivate the whole of life”. The Church allows us to see with a full light, a full truth. There will be people who do not see this or refuse to accept it. Our call is still to act with love, to still see the dignity of each individual. We love because God first loved