The main objective of the Commission was 'to inquire into the condition and prospects of the University of Calcutta and to consider the question of a constructive policy in relation to the question it presented'. Besides the Commission was to determine the ideals and standard of University education and its relation with secondary education
Reason: It was Lord Curzon who first tried to introduce some administrative reform of the university education by instituting a University Education Commission in 1902. Academic reform, however, remained totally unattended. Curzon’s policy of higher education received widespread criticism among the nationalist Indians. Many questions also arose at that time regarding the ideals of University education, determining the standard of university education and its relation with secondary education and so on. Therefore, it became a necessity to reform the Indian Universities also. All these circumstances led to the formation of Sadler Commission, 1917.
The recommendations of Sadler Commission regarding higher education : A. Academic Reforms : * The duration of degree course should be three years after intermediate stage. * Honours courses as distinct from pass course, should be opened in the universities. * Provisions should be made for imparting instructions in Arts, Science, Engineering, Agriculture, Commerce and Medicine. * The medium of instruction at the university level should be English. * Department of Education should be started and education should be taught as a discipline in MA, BA and Intermediate Course. * A Board of Students’ Welfare should also be appointed in each university to look after their wellbeing. * Muslims should be provided special educational facilities in order that