The students are promoted to intermediate level after passing the metric education. Upon successful completion to grade 11 and grade 12 examination by the BISE, students are awarded the Higher Secondary School Certificate (HSSC). The education is also known as the intermediate education which is from 11th to 12th class. In this education the student decide the future plans of him that whether he has to study the engineering, medical or arts subjects. The intermediate level of education is the part where student choose the career if he decide the medical he will only study the medical studies and if he chooses engineering or the arts he will going to study those subjects which are related to his course or subject. …show more content…
It is also known as the boys get the good grade because the study is for the boys and home is for the girls. This is not the best thing and this shows the inequality between both genders. In education there should be a proper law that the boys and girls are supposed to study whatever and which subject they want. The dividing of marks and grade should be equal there should be not that boys will get good marks then girls. There should be a proper law that the equality of gender should be there. In this way the education system of Pakistan can be improve where no gender bias is competed only one law is applicable that both are equal in every possible category and …show more content…
The education minster that is controlling the system is not suitable or not taking good decisions that are good for the education system of Pakistan. The law is that the Urdu medium students will not get any good grade or good jobs while the students with O/A levels will get good grade and good marks. He will get all the good opportuneness in life while the Urdu medium students should not. The education system in Pakistan is that when a student of same education and same schools graduate they should have equal right to study and get the job there should be no supervisory in both the students that why a Urdu medium student not get the job while the English medium get. In Pakistan the education must be that the student who is from Urdu and English medium school have the proper right and equality that whether it is from urban areas or city. Both the students get the equal remarks in their field and the constitution must be pass from the government of Pakistan. Where there should be equal rights and equal education for all of the students in this way all the students will get equal education and equal opportunity to get successful in life. The basic purpose and need of education can be fulfill by the proper law and the law maker, the decision and the plans made for the education system should be one, the role model and also the education system should be proper and native that all the