The origin of this source is the publishing of Todd Brewster, an American author, journalist, and film producer. Todd Brewster published this book in 2014. The publishing date of this book suggests that there has been a considerable about of time between the Emancipation Proclamation and the present day. The purpose of this book is to speak to American citizens about the revolutionary implications of Lincoln’s decision and to shed light on the complexity of the situation. The content of this book includes the overall thought process of Lincoln and the criticism and judgments he received as a result of wanting to free slaves.…
Reefs are important ecosystems as the are home to an immense amount of biodiversity and are essential in the cycle of life…
With the global climate changing so are the coral like many other things and sadly they are dying off because of the temperature changing. Which is causing coral reef bleaching which is when the whitening of diverse invertebrate taxa it is caused by when zooxanthellae decline and or the concentration of photosynthetic pigments within the zooxanthellae…
because of this, the entire food web is affected. Along with the species, the coral reefs…
1. Coral reefs are elaborate networks of crevices, ledges, and holes made up of calcium carbonate; coral polyps are tiny animals that build coral reefs by secreting a crust of limestone around their bodies that accumulate once multiple polyps die. Coral reefs help moderate atmospheric temperatures by removing CO2 from the atmosphere, act as natural barriers that help protect 15% of the world’s coastlines from erosion by battering waves and storms, provide habitats for a variety of marine organisms, produce about one-tenth of the global fish catch, one-fourth of the catch in developing countries, provide jobs and building materials for some of the world’s poorest countries, and support fishing and tourism industries worth billions of dollars each year. Coral bleaching is when a coral becomes stressed and the algae on which it depends for food and color die out, leaving an underlying white or bleached skeleton of calcium carbonate; this occurs because of increased water temperatures and runoff of silt from the land.…
This sea is predicted as how the oceans of the planet will look like within the next century. The acidification that might happen throughout the oceans of the world is mostly caused by the carbon dioxide emitted from smokestacks and tailpipes. (527) Thirty percent of the carbon dioxide released by man has been soaked in the oceans. Many marine organisms cannot survive in these high carbon dioxide concentrated conditions. The evidence from Castello Aragonese proves that this polluted sea is missing thirty-three percent of marine organisms that live outside the vent system. Another significant organism of the chemistry of the ocean is the coral reef. Coral reefs are essential for the ecosystem of the ocean. Ocean acidification is a threat to their existence. According to Jane Lubchenco, ocean acidification is global warming’s “equally evil twin.” (qtd. in…
Climate change has widespread effects. It doesn't just affect weather and temperature. It will also have lasting effects on the ocean and the ecosystems within it. Coral reefs get hit hard by the temperature of the water getting warmer. “Warming of as little as 1°C causes coral bleaching, a state in which the tissues of the coral become colorless because of the loss of the zooxanthellae”(Hoegh-Guldberg,Donner,pg. 9, par 3). This bleaching can stress the reefs and this can effect important functions of the coral. “Moderate bleaching results in stress that causes reduced growth rates and reproductive output, whereas severe bleaching results in coral death. Bleaching also appears to make corals more vulnerable…
This is currently the largest and most biodiverse ecosystem in the world, spanning across 348 000 square kilometres of Australia’s Northeast coast. Starting from the top of Cape York (10 degrees 41’ S, 145 degrees E) 2300km down to just north of Bundaberg. Billions of coral polyps form the basis of this intricate biodiverse marine ecosystem, relying heavily on complex biophysical interactions resulting in its vulnerability. There a number of factors leading up to stresses placed upon this ecosystem in particular, human induced…
Warmer ocean temperatures are also now understood to cause coral bleaching. Rising levels of carbon dioxide (greenhouse gas emissions) are also decreasing the pH level of the ocean, known as ocean acidification. Evidence suggests that this will have a profound effect on the entire marine ecosystem.…
The ecosystem of the reef is fairly straight forward. The main energy source for the producers of the reef (Algae, Kelp, and Plankton) is sunlight and water which provide them with nutrients. The producers provide resourceful energy for organisms (Warreners, Elephant Snail, and Sea Urchin), in order for them to survive. These organisms are eaten by the marine carnivore organisms (Common Sea Star, Dog Winkle) for sufficient energy. Birds and Fish gain their energy by obtaining most of these heterotrophs and autotrophs. The characteristics of the ecosystem play a big part in order for the ecosystem to survive.…
Coral reefs are communities to the sea and home to many living creatures and different types of organisms, as well as about one-fourth of the oceans population. Coral reefs are made up of animals called polyps that will remain in one place, acting as the main structure of the reef itself, these animals have a hard almost skeleton like structure. Scientists who study coral reefs have categorized them into three different types of reefs; Barrier reefs, Atolls, and Fringing reefs. Coral reefs are put into these categories based on their size, shaped and close proximity to land. Although corals are grouped together, "An individual coral is known as a polyp, a very small and simple organism consisting mostly of a stomach topped by a tentacle-bearing…
The first kind of coral reef are fringing reefs, or shore reefs. These reefs grow directly off the shore. A shore reef is the most common kind of reef. Even though these reefs are grown near the shore, human impact can cause harm. These types of reefs can be found surrounding pacific islands. The second kind of reef that can be formed is a barrier reef; this reef is grown linear to the shore, but is usually separated by a lagoon. These types of reefs are less common than the others. An example of a barrier reef is The Great Barrier Reef, which is located off the coast of Australia. The third type of is known as atoll. This type of reef is circular and is often found above a huge lagoon in the deep ocean. These reefs are located in the IndoPacific region and a better example of one can be found in the French…
Coral reefs are home to many fishes and plants. Because of global warming, 16% of the world’s coral reefs were wiped out in one year alone (“Global Warming and Coral Reefs”). Ocean temperatures have also risen by 1.3 ° Fahrenheit since the last 19th century (Coral bleaching and ocean acidification are two climate-related impacts to coral reefs). The increasing carbon dioxide levels lead to coral bleaching. This occurs when coral responds to the stress of the temperature warming. This expels the colorful algae that live within most of the coral dies, so the entire ecosystem disappears. Warmer waters are expected to increase the chance of coral diseases such as black band disease, white plague, and white pox. All of the diseases lead to the killing of coral reefs and the entire ecosystem is supports.…
As they have been largely affected by recent developments in climate change and pollution, it is crucial that we stabilize the loss of reefs; if not, we will undoubtedly be negatively impacted. In the event that we lose considerably more reefs, we will also lose a large part of the tourism industry. When you think of tourism, beaches most likely come to mind. Whether it be the pristine waters of the Caribbean, or the rougher waves of the Australian coasts, coral reefs are a popular attraction. Aside from tourism, coral reefs supply, many people with food, as they provide varying species of fish with a food source and shelter. If coral reefs disappear, so do the fish they support with food and shelter, which will add to the world’s existing food challenges. Finally, coral reefs are noted for their biodiversity, which means the undiscovered life living there could possibly a possess cure for cancer or other serious…
Coral reefs are one of the most interesting things on earth. It is a shame that people know so little about them and that they aren’t taken care of near as well as they should be. They are fascinating to learn about if you put time and effort to learn about them and what they are. Also, what they all do for our environment. Our solution for taking care of our reefs are to educate yourself about coral reefs, volunteer for reef clean-ups, do not anchor down on the reefs, and reduce, reuse, and…