Dependant on where in the Uk you are based the Safeguarding of children is ever so slightly different. The document †̃Working Together to Safeguard Childrenâ€TM shows how organisations, school and individuals should work together to safeguard promote the welfare of children and young people with regards to the Children Act 1989 and 2004. Itâ€TMs very important that every
member of staff fully understand their roles and responsibilities and duties that are mentioned in primary legislation and regulations and guidance. Schools and any education institutions have a duty to safeguard and promote the welfare of the pupils in their care whilst they are at school. They should create, maintain and promote a safe learning environment for children and young people and to identify where there are child welfare concerns and when to take actions to address them.
The policy that the school has should include information on the roles and responsibilities of the staff and the procedures that should be taken when dealing with child protection issues. Some of the procedures are, that all members of staff should attend the child protection training, the head teacher will decide whether concerns should be referred to external agencies, attention will be paid to the attendance and development that any child who is identified to be at risk, and if any member of staff is concerned about a child they must inform a member of senior management straight away.
As teaching assistants are the ones who have close contact with the child they should be aware of the signs of possible abuse or neglect and the procedure which should follow if any of it is noticed.
Question: Question 2
Answer: Safeguarding is the action that is taken to promote the welfare of children and protect them from harm, neglect and abuse. Safeguarding means to protect the children from abuse which will prevent harm to the childâ€TMs health or development. Another part of safeguarding is Child Protection and it focuses on protecting individual children that are potentially at risk or likely to suffer harm. Everyone has a responsibility to keep young people and children safe and the child protection guidance and safeguarding of children applies to everyone up to the age of 18.