Unit 11 - Safeguard the well-being of children and young people.
Recognise indicators of possible child abuse (4.1)
Give examples to complete the following chart:-
| Type of abuse | Physical signs | Emotional/behavioural signs |
|Physical abuse |Physical signs can include burn marks, cuts, and |Signs can include being uncomfortable with physical |
| |bruises, grasp marks, cigarette burns or other |contact, pupil coming in early to school and staying on |
| |injuries. However these marks could be signs of …show more content…
|late after school is over as if afraid to be at home, |
| |abuse or could have been caused by a genuine |wearing inappropriate clothes for the weather or to hide |
| |accident. |bruises/marks and making up stories about how injuries |
| | |were obtained. Other signs include being aggressive |
| | |towards other children and seeming to be frightened near |
| | |adults. |
|Neglect |Looks very thin, seems constantly tired and |Displays low self-esteem, may become withdrawn and have an|
| |hungry. Untreated medical problems, poor hygiene,|inability to form social relationships. Compulsive |
| |may smell in school, appear dirty and uncared |stealing - especially of food; begging from classmates and|
| |for. Prone to frequent accidents as the child |may be regularly absent from school. Lacks concentration |
| |isn’t properly supervised. Underweight and small |and may report that there isn’t always a parent/carer at |
| |for his/her age.
|home minding the child/children. |
|Sexual abuse |Sustained bruises, scratches or bites to the |Be reluctant to undress for and/or participate in PE |
| |genital area, lower abdomen, breasts or thighs. |lessons or swimming lessons. May show signs of sadness and|
| |Torn or bloodstained underwear. Sore or |be withdrawn, may be depressed and lack concentration. |
| |uncomfortable whilst walking or sitting down. |Attempt to run away from home or suicide attempts and/ |
| |Frequent urinary infections, may have anorexia or|self-harm. Have sudden problems at school e.g. poor |
| |display signs of gross overeating. May have an |behaviour or deterioration in school work. |
| |unexplained pregnancy where the father’s identity|Hysterical/angry outbursts. May act in a flirtatious way |
| |is vague. |or the child’s art work or stories may contain/show
| | |unusual sexual themes. |
|Emotional abuse |Well below average in height and weight, poor |Inappropriate emotional responses to painful situations, |
| |hair and skin and may have all-round |head-banging, rocking, and has an inability to play. Has a|
| |developmental delay. Sudden speech disorders such|fear of new situations, has poor peer relationships, |
| |as a stammer. May show signs of self-harm, |chronic runaway and may show attention seeking and needy |
| |solvent abuse (e.g. smell of glue or having mouth|behaviour. |
| |sores). May have recurrent soiling/wetting. | |
|Bullying & |An unexplained cut, bruises and scratches, comes |Bullying is a very serious matter which can lead to a |
|Harassment |home with torn/dirty clothes and may be very |young person/child self-harming and/or attempting suicide.|
| |hungry because their lunch or their dinner money |The person can lose concentration in school work or not |
| |has been stolen at school. Feeling unwell in the |attend school regularly. He/she may frequently cry, |
| |mornings (or saying that to stay off school) as |withdraw, not sleep well or wake up with nightmares. May |
| |he/she doesn’t wish to go in and have to face the|show signs of unhappiness and poor self-esteem and poor |
| |bullies again. |self-confidence. |