As there exist dubious dispute about the accountability and liability of organisation for any glitch that violates law, social norms and moral responsibilities, Nissenbaum argues that substantive standards for computer professional should be “clarified and vigorously promoted”. He believes, a formal analysis, meaningful quality assurance and built-in redundancy approach eliminate the obscure line between malfunctions due to adequate practices and those that occurs despite of programmer’s best efforts.
Such standards, VSD (value sensitive design) for example is very vital to provide guidelines in developing tools and technology so that they are more likely to support the actions, relationships, institutions, and experiences that human beings care deeply about. Analysis approach of direct and indirect stakeholders significantly alleviates the oversighted concerns related to safety and quality issue. These standards in the field of computer professional field help to achieve an acceptable level of safety for software used in critical applications and determine who is accountable and liable for any erroneous practices (Friedman, 2013).
Conclusively, software system in domain of safety and security are increasingly becoming crucial and convoluted. Over the past decade, there has been a significant evidence