BY: ALEX SCHENK (s2802470) ASSIGNMENT QUESTION “Good safety management is more than just a legal and moral requirement. Around the world, there is growing recognition that safety management systems can improve the operating performance and profits of a Company as well as its safety defences.” ABSTRACT This essay discusses the main aspects of safety management systems and how they are being utilised in various industries around the world. It begins by defining the main issues of safety and safety management systems, and then discusses the features of a successful safety management system. The legal and moral requirements of safety management are discussed, and then the differing ways in which safety management systems can improve a company’s operating performance and operating profit. A number of case studies are then presented which show that safety management systems are being utilised in different industries around the world, and that they are generating numerous benefits aside from the obvious improvements in safety they are targeting.
In many industries around the world, safety management is becoming more and more an integral part of the way business is done. Evidence is building that the implementation of a successful, robust safety management system (SMS) can pay off with numerous benefits to a company’s performance and profitability, as well as providing a safer and more secure environment for workers and the public alike. This essay will define the main issues of safety and safety management, and discuss the main elements of a SMS. The ways in which a SMS can improve a company’s operating performance and profitability will then be covered, followed by a number of case studies from around the world which show the positive results of the introduction of safety management techniques. Safety management and its application to different industries will be discussed, with a