1. Identify employer and employee responsibilities for health, safety and security.
If possible, provide relevant health, safety and security policies / documents from your workplace (or place of study) to support your answer. These documents should be annotated to highlight the relevant sections.
Employees Responsibilities
• Not to interfere with or misuse anything that's been provided for your health,
• Safety or welfare.
• Reporting any injuries, strains or illnesses you suffer as a result of doing your job, your employer may need to change the way you work.
• Taking reasonable care of your own health and safety.
• importance of telling your employer if something happens that might affect your ability to work, like becoming pregnant or suffering an injury.
Employers Responsibilities
• make the workplace safe
• prevent risks to health
• ensure that plant and machinery is safe to use
• ensure safe working practices are set up and followed
• make sure that all materials are handled, stored and used safely
• provide adequate first aid facilities
• set up emergency plans
2. Explain the purpose of following health, safety and security procedures in a business environment.
It is very important for health, safety and security procedures to be followed in a business environment as it is very likely of an accidents or damage to someone’s health. The procedures cover the safety of both the organisations as well as the employees.
Organisations are full of expensive equipment, so security procedures help to keep that equipment safe from thieves.
Those same security procedures also help to protect your personal belongings while you are in the workplace to avoid any miss placement or stolen valuables.
Policies and procedures are in place for a reason which it is of benefit for the instructions to be