Hey Virginia, there is more than just a Santa Claus. Nowadays, Americans have either forgotten or ignored Christmas traditions put in place over 1500 years ago. They would rather indulge in the gifts and shopping to please their family than sit back and enjoy the holiday. This new mindset has led Christmas, Hanukkah, and other seasonal festivals to lose their religious intent through the past centuries by the hands of both people and markets. The original purpose of Christmas, celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ, has been trampled and overshadowed by a marketeer’s interpretation of how to represent the holiday. Santa and snowmen have become the faces of Christmas, instead of the Son…
St. Nicholas is a saint for his gratitude and mercy towards others. He gave his possessions to the poor and needy. He was imprisoned for his faith and declared that Arianism is not real and was bad (“St. Nicholas”).…
It later became popularly known by its first line “T’was the night Before Christmas”. As more immigrants came to America, they brought with them their own traditions of St. Nicholas. Decorating Christmas trees, hanging stockings and giving gifts are all traditions brought from the celebrations of St. Nicholas throughout…
reader starts the story, he or she has to put aside any disbelief he or…
While people worship the Santa Claus, religions focus more on their origins. Christmas is a time to sit back and have a good time whether it be opening presents, or talking about the true meaning of Christmas. What a lot of people fail to realize is that for some religions they don’t follow the traditional Christmas standards. Many questions are being asked as in, what exactly goes on during the most wonderful time of the year? Do you have traditions that specifically fit into your lifestyle? What does Christmas mean to you? Are they grateful for being who you are?…
The essay Saint Denis by Abbott Sugar talks about the architectural treasure the Abbey church is. “The first work on this church which we began under the inspiration of God.” I believe this quote. I believe that God guide them on how to build his church. I can imagine god inspiring them to choose the right colors. Being raised in a catholic household church is very important in my life. I remember going to church in Mexico when I was younger. I was amazed at the details the church has. As soon as I entered the church the first thing I noticed was the beautiful painted windows. The colors where just perfect that when the sun reflected on them it made it seem like a rainbow. It looked so magical and felt peaceful. “For other foundation can…
Christmas - the annual Christian festival celebrating Christ's birth, held on 25 December in the Western Church.…
Pope Gregory IX canonized St Francis of Assisi on the 16 July 1228. He was canonized because he devoted his life to solitude, prayer, helping the poor, and raising money to rebuild run-down buildings of the churches…
Many people in Canada do not know when Eastern Christian Orthodox in Ukraine is celebrating Christmas. On January 6th it is a Christmas evening and Ukrainians have especial dinner and special church’s service. Being an international student in Canada gave me an amazing opportunity to celebrate twice this particular for all Christians day. In addition, not only days are different, diverse foods are served on the tables and different traditions accompanied participants.…
Winston Churchill once said, “Christmas is a season not only of rejoicing but of reflection.” As the big day draws near, it is important to reflect on the roots of the global holiday as well as the direction in which it is heading. Christmas is a tradition rooted deep in the history of western society. It has undergone many changes since it’s earliest celebrations. Even today, the holiday is constantly changing. Each year brings new innovations to Christmas. In the dawn of the holiday, it was minor and focused on the birth of Jesus, the light of the world. In the 19th century, Christmas was a time of family and goodwill to mankind. Today, though there still remains aspects of religion and selflessness, more than ever it has become a holiday consumed by commercialism. It is a development that is not likely to go way any time soon.…
1. What does the subtitle of “Bartleby” suggest? What is the significance of Wall Street and the walls in the story?…
Nicholas II played, by far the biggest role in his downfall as the Tsar of Russia. Certain aspects of his behaviour definitely contributed to bringing down the Russian empire, however most of these qualities were not weaknesses in character but qualities associated with poor leadership. By weakness, I mean being easily influenced and controlled by others. Nicholas was a firm believer in autocracy and was virtually unmoveable in this belief. This unconscionable belief illustrated how he stuck to his ways, although in early years as Tsar, his uncles had a huge influence on him. The fall of the Russian empire was not all a result of Nicholas’ character and poor leadership but also the huge socio-economic changes as well as the outbreak of WW1, which hugely influenced the coming about of and the timing of the Russian revolution.…
St. Patrick is the Patron saint of Ireland, who was born in 387 AD. His feast day is March 17. He is one of the world's most popular saints. Originally, he was an apostle of Ireland. His birth is often debated, but is agreed upon as being born at Kilpatrick, near Dumbarton, in Scotland.…
Saint Christopher's birth place and birth date is still unknown but most people believe he was born in Canaan and his feast day is the 25th of July. Saint Christopher died in Asia Minor c.251. Saint Christopher is a saint because he was a ferryman carrying people across the river and one day a small boy came and he asked saint Christopher to please carry him across the river and when he was carrying the boy saint Christopher noticed that the boy was so heavy but didn't know the boy was our savior Jesus Christ and yet he still willed himself to do it and that's how he became a saint. The struggle that the saint had was trying to carry Jesus across the river because he weighed so much and he couldn't do it but he willed himself to do it and he accomplished his struggle. I choose this saint because if he has the will power to do what he did I am hoping that he can give me the will power to complete any task or struggle that I face in my life and with his guidance I can complete anything. I can relate to this saint because what he did was very brave of him and that if I was faced with caring our savior Jesus Christ across the river I would and also me and this saint share the same name. Some of the qualities this saint has that I would like to have is his strength and will power because with those two qualities anything is possible and nothing can stop you from completing…
In Greece children leave their shoes by the fireside on New Year's Day (also the Festival of Saint Basil in Greece) with the hope that Saint Basil, who was…