If you need more information check out Document C. I think the girls were acting. Bridget Bishop was the first women accused and so be that the girls succeeded. …show more content…
As seen in document B. It shows the data of the gender,age,and relationship status of the accusers and accused. It shows that a total of 61 married women were accused and only 29 single women. Also shows that men were involved very rarely because only 24 men were accused and 5 accusers. Because the majority of them are women my thinking concludes that they were jealous.
If you take a look at document E, the map shows that most of the accused lived on the east side of salem and the accusers lived on the west. According to the note on this page the rich or more wealthy people lived on the east side. The poor lived on the west. This concludes for me that the poor people could have been acting out of jealousy. They could have wanted them to die to get their money, jobs, or dwellings.
This picture is from a trial it is a lithograph
Although other people say it could be religion, because they blamed the devil and new people were moving into salem with new religions. Salem people did not agree. My thinking is still that they acted out of jealousy and that people did this to get a better life by taking others. Mine is also facts and data there's is more opinionated.The salem witch trials were a bad thing innocent people were killed because someone accused them of a witch. We may never know the real reason it started. But I think the most facts support