Salmonellae are passed through the lymphatic system of into the bloodstream (typhoid form) of the host, which will then be carried by the bloodstream to al over the body and also to the vital organs for formation of secondary foci (septic form). The endotoxins exhibited by the bacteria will cause the vascular and nerve fibers to increase in permeability and decreases those in the blood vessels, which will lead to upset of thermal regulation, vomiting and also diarrhea.
Staphylococcus is a genus of the Gram-positive bacteria which appears as grape-like clusters structure when observed under the microscope. Staphylococcus genus can be grouped into not less than 40 species, where nine of them consist of 2 subspecies and one gas three subspecies. Staphylococcus was first found in the year if 1880 by surgeon A.Ogston during a surgical abscess in a knee joint. Until this day, average estimation of 20% of the human population are carriers of Staphylococcus aureus. Staphylococcus aureus, one of the members of the Firmicutes, is commonly found in the respiratory tract or on the skin, causing skin irritation and infection and also sinusitis and respiratory infection (Ogston A 1984).
The bacteria can be divided into 11 clusters with the taxonomy of the bacteria is based on the 16s rRNA sequences (Takahashi.T