Sam Walton
Sam Walton, the founder of WalMart since year 1962, was said to be a brilliant and versatile leader. Walton was a very self-confidence leader as he was once forced to close his shop ( Not name as WalMart yet) due to certain issues between landlord and him but he was so determined that he will be successful in his venture, he decided to start over a new shop at a rural place then successfully expand his reach to many places until the first WalMart opened at Roger, Arkansas. Despite his first shop failed to continue operating due to certain issue, Walton’s self-confidence, great tolerance for stress and ability to deal with uncertainty has made him become a successfully businessman, billionaire and leader.
Sam Walton is also an intelligent leader as he changed the way how retailing was done at that era. Originally the discount stores are always located at urban areas and only sell little types of items. Sam Walton then decide to change its way by having large superstores opened in rural towns and have wide variety of products with lower prices. His way has proven a success as he was able to open 18 WalMarts stores in just 7 years from the benefits he gets from his way of retailing. This has successfully changes the way of retailing as many other owners start to learn his way to retail. In addition, Sam Walton also came out with another idea, Sam’s Wholesale Clubs, a discount store that sells products to small business owners in bulk. This idea is another great idea by Sam Walton as it brought more benefits and even made him become a billionaire with a net worth of 2.8 billions. With Sam Walton’s intelligence, he had successfully changes the ways how retailing was done back then and has gain a great amount of benefits from his ideas.
WalMart provides different kinds of extrinsic benefits for their employees including financial benefits and fringe benefits.
WalMart tends