Gay marriage has already been legalized in twelve states: Massachusetts, Connecticut, Iowa, Vermont, New Hampshire, New York, Maryland, Maine, Washington, Rhode Island, Delaware, and Minnesota. Gay Marriage should not be legalized because it takes away the sacred gift of procreation to a married couple, it can lead to not optimum environments for raising children, and it could lead to many more problems. Marriage is a religious right. (03 JCR) Pope John Paul II said, “Marriage was established by the Creator with its own nature, essential properties and purpose. No ideology can erase from the human spirit the certainty that marriage exists solely between a man and a woman.” Legalizing same sex marriage takes away the purpose of marriage which is procreating and raising children and turns it only to adult gratification. The leaders of the Gay Liberation Front said, "We expose the institution of marriage as one of the most insidious and basic sustainers of the system. The family is the microcosm of oppression.” Legalizing same sex marriage would demean the importance of the family.
Not only would allowing same sex marriage cause problems to the family but it would also cause problems with raising children. It would lead to more children being raised in an environment where they would not have a father or a mother.
Cited: Amber G. Marcellino, et al., "Congressional Budget Office Cost Estimate H.R. 2517,", Dec. 17, 2009 Bruce J. Ellis, "Does Father Absence Place Daughters at Special Risk for Early Sexual Activity and Teenage Pregnancy?," Child Development, May 2003 Fiona Tasker, PhD, and Susan Golombok, PhD, Growing Up in a Lesbian Family: Effects of Child Development, 1997 gov, Dec. 17, 2009 Joseph Card. Ratzinger, "Considerations Regarding Proposals To Give Legal Recognition To Unions Between Homosexual Persons," June 3, 2003 Judith Stacey and Timothy J. Biblarz, "(How) Does the Sexual Orientation of Parents Matter?," American Sociological Review, Apr. 2001 Paula Ettelbrick, "Since When Is Marriage a Path to Liberation?," OUT/LOOK National Gay "Should Homosexuals Have 'Equal Protection ' Rights Based on Their Sexual Orientation?,", Apr. 2, 2009 Stanley Kurtz, "The End of Marriage in Scandinavia," Weekly Standard, Feb. 2, 2004 Lesbian Quarterly, Fall 1989