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Sub: Ph.D./M.S./M.Tech. (By Research) – Submission of progress report – Reg. In 20th Research Board, Ph.D. / M.S. (By Research) Regulations Clause 15.1 was amended as Commencing from the date of provisional registration till the submission of thesis, all research scholars shall submit the progress report and registration renewal form in the prescribed format duly signed by the Supervisor and Head of the Department of the Supervisor atleast three weeks before the end of every semester, without which the scholars shall not be permitted to pay the semester fee. Research scholars registered at Anna University/erstwhile AUTs should submit the following documents 1. Enrolment/Registration renewal form 2. Semester Progress Report for the period January – June 2013 along with a typed report on the work carried out during that period (in about 300 words) 3. Course work Registration form (if the scholar is registering for the course work in the forthcoming semester) 4. Photocopy of the Extension order (if the scholar is in extension period) 5. For Full-time scholars admitted by the Centre for Research, Anna University, filled in mediclaim form with a passport size photo (Name written on the backside) {Applicable only for scholars registered at Anna University, Chennai} in the prescribed format (fee details shall be omitted) duly signed (in the first week of June 2013) by the Supervisor and Head of the Department of the Supervisor on or before 10th June 2013, without which the scholars are not be permitted to pay the semester fee for July 2013. For Part-time scholars, signature of the Head of the Department/Head of the Organization of the scholar (where the scholar is working) with seal should be obtained in the